Saturday, August 1, 2009

2008-09 Curriculum

Archiving this so I can put next year's curricula in the sidebar.

History and geography: Sonlight Core 1, “Introduction to World History, Part 1” literature-rich study of beginning of time through fall of Roman Empire with timeline and map/globe work

Reading: Sonlight Grade 2 Readers book list and guide

Phonics: Explode the Code levels 4–6, plus online activities

Spelling: Spelling Power, K–8 spelling program where child is placed at their own best level and practices only words they don’t already spell correctly

Grammar: First Language Lessons for the Well-Trained Mind, first half

Writing: Writing Strands 1

Handwriting: Handwriting witout Tears cursive using own lessons generated with StartWrite 5.0 software

Math: finishing Singapore Primary Mathematics 1A, then move on to 1B, also 2A if we get that far

Science: Sonlight Science 1; focuses on planets, stars, human body, electricity, water and soil; hands-on experiments in water, light, magnets and mirrors; Usborne books make up core of program

Art: Picture study with American Girl Imagine: The Girl in the Painting then Come Look with Me: Enjoying Landscape Art with Children; drawing lessons through Drawing With Children

Music: Bernstein’s Favorite Children's Classics study of orchestra through “Peter and the Wolf,” “The Carnival of the Animals” and “The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra”

Foreign Language: American Sign Language through Signing Illustrated

Physical Education: being a kid, plus participation in President’s Challenge Program

Sunday School: “Growing in Christ” from Concordia, the Missouri Synod publishing arm (but Mom is the teacher, so we’ll ensure ELCA slant)

Maybe playing with both kinds of keyboard: musical and she wants to learn to type fast

Also learning through life: lots of reading, real-life writing, practical life activities, crafts, nature walks, field trips, taking care of Buns and the kitties, being Dori’s big sister, participating in community life with Mom and Dad, etc.

2008–09 Extracurricular activities
4-H Club, monthly meetings
Little League tee ball, June
AYSO soccer, August–October
Homeschool gym days, twice a month
Cross Kids, monthly: group for 1st–6th graders at church
Vacation Bible School, Summer Sizzlers classes, soccer camp, Summer Reading Program, Nature Center programs, field trips and other things that come up

My bunny and me

I showed my bunny at the fair. This is a picture of me and my bunny named Buns a couple days after she got shown. The reason I am holding her in this picture is because she had to stay at the fair for a few nights and days because it was kind of hard to bring her home right away because Daddy had to go and take Grandma and Grandpa S. back to their home because they came with me to see me show my rabbit. So I had to take her home.
It was fun showing Buns at the fair. The judge told me she's a little fat and that's also what the rabbit breeder told me the same thing.