We watched some dancers do a really cool dance, and they had a part where the kids could come up and dance, too.
After that, we went into hear a man talk about modern Greece.
Note from Mom: Ironically, this picture showing the back of our little homeschoolers' heads is on the front page of the public school web site where this event was held. The school organized a community wide Multi-Cultural Night with a variety of speakers talking about a variety of cultures. It was a good event, too bad the attendance was light. We had a good time. We ate a meal prepared by the chef at the local good restaurant (yeah, there's just one) and he included foods from around the world. The kids weren't so keen on all the foods, but it was a nice idea. We spent our time watching the flamenco dancers, then seeing a man present his travelogue from Greece. It was a nice tie-in to our current lessons on ancient Greece. It was about as exciting as most travelogues are, but Addy was surprisingly interested. She's the one who wanted to stay later, but bedtime was approaching.
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